Wednesday, April 11, 2001

One Hundred Shining Candles

Lovely book about siblings helping each other to make Christmas a little lovelier. Sacrifices are made, mistakes are made, humility is learned, but overall there is a theme of giving up things for the good of others.

Wednesday, April 4, 2001

The Prince of the Dolomites

Prince of the Dolomites

An oldie but goodie from Tomie de Paola.  I love his retelling of old Italian tales -- most of the time they're unknown to me and I get quite an education.  It's also neat seeing places we might want to visit one day.  They're going on the "Places We'd Like to See Before We Die" list.  This book tells about The Dolomites in Northern Italy, and the edelweiss, stella alpina. ***

The Twelve Days of Christmas by Laurel Long

What I liked about this book was the artwork, which shows you the things that are mentioned in the lyrics.